Revolved Downward Facing Dog

Parivrtta Adho Mukha Shvanasana

Level: Intermediate
Pronunciation: (pa-ee-vrt-Tah-AH-doh MOO-kah shva-NAH-sun-uh)

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2 responses to “Revolved Downward Facing Dog”

  1. Thomas Turne Avatar
    Thomas Turne

    I’m so thankful to have been introduced to this Revolved Downward Facing Dog pose! It feels so great to stretch and strengthen my body in this way. I love the detailed instructions provided on Yoga Basics, making it simple to understand and follow.

  2. Eliza Davis Avatar
    Eliza Davis

    I loved the detailed instructions and I’m so thankful to have found this website. I’m excited to start practicing this pose! Thank you for this great resource!

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