Half lord of the fishes (Version B)

Ardha matsyendrasana B

Level: Intermediate
Pronunciation: (ard-ha mats-yun-DRAS-unna)


1. From Bound Angle or Easy pose, extend the right leg straight out in front of you, cross the left leg over the right, placing the left foot flat on the floor close to the right knee. Then bend the right leg to bring the right heel next to the left hip.

2. Wrap the right hand around the left knee and pull the knee in towards your chest. Press down through the hips and up through the crown to lengthen the spine.

3. Inhale the left hand up and as you exhale reach the arm around your back placing the palm on the floor fingers facing back. Press the arm into the back to keep the back straight. Look over the left shoulder towards the back wall.

4. As you inhale press the hips down and reach the crown up to lengthen the spine.

5. Breathe and hold for 3-6 breaths.

5. To release: inhale the left hand up and exhale untwisting the body, facing the front. Repeat other side.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Half Lord of the Fishes pose opens, lengthens, nourishes and realigns the spine. This pose stimulates the nervous, digestive and reproductive systems.

Contraindicaitons: Recent or chronic hip, back or shoulder injury or inflammation.

Modifications + Variations

Modifications: Place a yoga block under the hand behind your back.

Variations: A) For a deeper twist, bring the elbow to the opposite side of the knee, or bind the pose by threading the arm under the knee to hold onto the hand behind your back. B) For a gentler twist try Ardha Matsyendrasana A instead.


Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence leading up to this pose: Seated Head to Knee, Half Up Boat, Pigeon, Revolved Head to Knee.

Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence ending after this pose: Forward Fold, Crab, Seated Angle, Bound Angle.

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