Revolved Side Angle

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Level: Intermediate
Pronunciation: (oo-TEE-tah-parsh-wah-cone-AHS-anna)

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3 responses to “Revolved Side Angle”

  1. Sarah Kernan Avatar
    Sarah Kernan

    least helpful yoga page – i click on a pose to see how its done but the picture changes every 3 seconds to show the pose from a different angle. yes, it’s great to see the pose from a different angle and from the different side, but this makes it hard to see which leg is supposed to be where and which arm is supposed to be where. the pictures switch too quickly.

  2. Sarah Kernan Avatar
    Sarah Kernan

    (not the least helpful), just frustrating that the pictures switch so fast. lots of poses are shown, which is great.

    1. Timothy Burgin Avatar
      Timothy Burgin

      Thanks for your feedback. Yes, they are switching a bit fast…I just updated all of the asana page slideshows and doubled the loading time between yoga poses.

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