Table Pose


Level: Basic


1. Come to the floor on your hands and knees. Bring the knees hip width apart, with the feet directly behind the knees. Bring the palms directly under the shoulders with the fingers facing forward.

2. Look down between the palms and allow the back to be flat. Press into the palms to drop the shoulders slightly away from the ears. Press the tail bone towards the back wall and the crown of the head towards the front wall to lengthen the spine.

3. Breathe deeply and hold for 1-3 breaths.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Table is the starting point and transition posture for many floor postures and helps lengthen and realign the spine.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the wrists or knees.

Modifications + Variations

Modifications: A) Place a folded blanket under the knees to protect them from pressure and stress. B) Make fists with the hands to reduce pressure on the wrists.

Variations: Balancing Table.


Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence ending after this pose: Dog, Cat, Puppy Dog, Threading the Needle, Balancing Table, Down Dog, Low Lunge.

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4 responses to “Table Pose”

  1. Carol Morales Avatar
    Carol Morales

    When the title is yoga basics then why in your related articles to you show such advanced poses.
    I have had so many of my students say they get so discouraged when seeing these advanced poses on a yoga basics site.

    1. Timothy Burgin Avatar
      Timothy Burgin

      The related articles are chosen at random. I’ll look into if we can have better controls over it.

  2. Michael Joseph Avatar
    Michael Joseph

    I think you offer one of the better websites for not only the instructional aspect, but the modifications, variations and contradictions all in one easy-to read source. And if RYT’s are told by their students that the pictures are too advanced, the instructors can and should diffuse the issue by explaining to their students how to use the website. After all, that’s why we go thru such extensive training, jes?

  3. Vijaya Avatar

    I am so impressed and grateful for all the yoga related articles. Thank you so very much, learning a lot. The information given is easy to understand and follow. In gratitude

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