Crescent Moon

Urdhva Hastasana

Level: Beginner
Pronunciation: (OORD-vah hahs-TAHS-uh-nuh)


1. From Mountain pose, interlace the fingers, pointing the index finger up over the head, press the feet into the floor and reach the fingers and crown up while relaxing the shoulders down and back.

2. Exhale and press the right hip out to the side, arching over to the left. Keep the feet grounded and the legs and buttocks engaged. Reach up and out through the fingers and crown.

3. Breathe and hold for 2-6 breaths.

4. To release: inhale and press into the feet as you reach the fingers back up towards the ceiling.

5. Repeat on other side.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Crescent Moon pose deeply stretches and opens the sides of the body and improves core body strength, balance and concentration. Half moon strengthens the ankles and knees, improves circulation and energizes the entire body.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the hips, back or shoulders.

Modifications + Variations

Modifications: Have the feet wider apart.
Variations: A) Place the lower hand on the hip, or B) Slide the lower hand down towards the knee.

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