

Level: Beginner
Pronunciation: (parsh-voh-tahn-AHS-anah)


1. From High Lunge pose (with left foot forward), step the back leg forward enough to straighten both legs. Keep the back foot flat on the floor with the toes facing forward.

2. Round the spine pressing the forehead towards the left knee, press into the heels and press the back of the knees towards the back wall.

3. Breathe and hold for 3-8 breaths.

4. To release: either step the right foot back and bend the left knee into lunge, or inhale the arms out and up with both legs straight.

5. Repeat on other side.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Pyramid pose deeply stretches the backs of the legs and improves balance, mental functions and circulation.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the hips, back or shoulders.

Modifications + Variations

Variations: To work on balance, slowly work the hands to namaste on top of the left foot, or bring the hands to reverse Anjali Mudra behind the back. Stare at a point on the knee or on the floor.


Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence leading up to this pose: High Lunge, Warrior I, Warrior II.

Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence ending after this pose: High Lunge, Warrior I, Warrior II, Standing Splits, Half Moon, Revolved Triangle.

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2 responses to “Pyramid”

  1. Sangeetha Kannan Avatar
    Sangeetha Kannan

    I am not sure why but I have always wanted to try out pyramid yoga pose. But never had the courage to do so. After reading this post, I think I should give it a shot. Thank you for sharing this information.

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