

Level: Basic
Pronunciation: (Muh-kuh-rah-SUH-nuh)


1. Lie on your belly, with the arms crossed under your head. Rest the forehead on the wrists of the hands.

2. Close the eyes and let your whole body relax into the floor.  Let the heels turn out and let the legs flop open.

3. Breathe deeply, pressing the belly down into the floor with each inhalation and hold for 6-10 breaths. With each exhalation allow your body to relax deeper into the floor.

4. To release: bring the palms under your shoulders and slowly press up into table or child pose or roll over onto your back.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Crocodile reduces stress and tension, promotes sleep, regulates blood pressure and reduces anxiety.

Contraindications: Pregnancy

Modifications + Variations

Variations: A)  Cross the arms with the elbows under the shoulders to prop the torso up and to allow the head to hang down towards the floor.  B) Raise the head and shoulders and rest the chin in the palms of the hands with the elbows on the floor. C) Fold the arms with the hands placed on opposite shoulder blades and rest the head in the crook of the elbows. D) Spread the legs wider apart and point the toes to the side walls.


Use this pose to rest between challenging prone poses: Cobra, Locust, Bow, Up Dog, Snake.

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2 responses to “Crocodile”

  1. Erik Hatfield Avatar
    Erik Hatfield

    Would this be a good pose to practice diaphragmatic breathing? seems likely

    1. Timothy Burgin Avatar
      Timothy Burgin

      Yes for the forehead on wrists version.

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