CBD for Yoga

6 Ways CBD Can Improve Your Yoga Practice

Published on May 21, 2020

CBD and Yoga are great compliments. Taking a few drops of CBD oil before you step on your yoga mat can help you get in the right mindset to practice and meditate. Combining CBD with yoga can help heal sore muscles, reduce inflammation, and give you a boost of energy. This naturally occurring supplement can also improve yoga’s mental aspects by reducing anxiety, regulating emotions, promoting calm, and improving mental focus. In total, we have found six powerful ways how CBD can positively enhance your yoga experience and take your practice to the next level.

The benefits of using CBD with Yoga

CBD won’t get you high, but it can improve your yoga experience.  It’s completely safe to use during a yoga practice or any other regular activities. Here are the six main benefits of combining CBD with your yoga practice:

  1. using CBD with YogaReduces Stress. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes you to feel stressed and anxious. CBD is a known reliever of stress and anxiety through its effect on the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is the body’s system of maintaining hormonal balance and regulating our physiological responses. By boosting your body’s ability to reduce stress, you can experience even deeper levels of relaxation and calm in your yoga practice. This combined effect will ensure that you are free from worry, stress, or anxiety throughout your whole day.
  2. Increases Focus. In a study conducted in 2014 and published in the Current Neuropharmacology, CBD was found to be a wake-promoting agent. This means that it keeps your mind active so that you don’t lose focus on what you are doing. Similarly, Yoga helps you take control of your mind so that you are not distracted by the events happening around you.
  3. Relieves Pain and Soreness. If you engage in rigorous or challenging yoga routines, you will likely suffer from some degree of musculoskeletal pain and inflammation after your practice. In a study conducted in 2018 on CBD’s effectiveness in reducing pain and inflammation, it was affirmed that adding CBD into a yoga routine is effective in alleviating pain and managing soreness.
  4. Better Rest. If you’re feeling exhausted and you need to unwind, a combination of the CBD and yoga is your best option. CBD works on your endocannabinoid receptors, allowing you to elicit responses to your physical, emotional, or mental state. If you combine that with a relaxing yoga session, your body feels calm and rested.
  5. Improves Energy. If you add CBD into your morning yoga routine, it boosts your energy so that you feel active throughout the day. That is because CBD stimulates the brain and the nervous system, hence calming your nerves. CBD also acts as a stimulant by interacting with your brain so that you feel energized and active.
  6. Moderates Mood. CBD can help reduce feelings of depression and can improve your mood without giving you the feeling of ‘high’ or hangover. It also does not lead to dependence, meaning there are no side effects when you don’t use it. When combined with a yoga routine, you can further stabilize your mood swings and bring a more consistent brightness and joy to your day.
Supplements for Yogis

The Best Supplements for Yogis

Different nutritional supplements can help with post-yoga recovery by reducing inflammation and increasing circulation to sore muscles and achy joints. Other supplements for yoga can help boost energy, enhance muscle health, calm the mind, and increase focus and concentration.

Who shouldn’t use CBD during Yoga?

There are no studies to show the negative effects of using CBD with yoga. However, it is advisable to avoid using CBD with yoga if you are:

  • Immune-compromised
  • Pregnant or trying to conceive
  • Taking prescription drugs

How to use CBD with Yoga

There are several different ways to consume CBD products. You can apply a CBD salve or lotion to any parts of the body that tend to be stiff or sore. You can also ingest CBD through tinctures, soft gels, herbal teas, or tasty gummies. It is recommended to start with a 10-15mg dose of CBD or 1-6 mg of CBD per 10 lbs of body weight and slowly increase the dosage if needed.  Tinctures begin acting as fast as 15 minutes, and softgels take effect around 35 minutes on average. The salves can be used before or after yoga or just before bed. Establishing a regular regimen of using CBC products with yoga will yield the best results.

To sum up

CBD is an incredible supplement for helping you relax. Sometimes, you may have trouble clearing the racing thoughts in your mind before a yoga session. In such a situation, CBD can help you clear your head so that you are ready to go deep in your yoga practice. After your yoga session, CBD can also help you to recover faster from the tightness, inflammation, or soreness that may have occurred during the yoga-process. Combining CBD with yoga is a simple and easy way to boost the amazing feel-good effects of your yoga practice. If you’re interested in CBD but are overwhelmed by the number of brands and options, check out this list of medically reviewed oils to find the best one for your yoga practice.

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6 responses to “6 Ways CBD Can Improve Your Yoga Practice”

  1. Lasin Hamid Avatar
    Lasin Hamid

    This really made me pay attention. The writing skill alone kept my interest. Thank you for sharing these yoga tips!

  2. Frederic ksen Avatar
    Frederic ksen

    Super interesting.

  3. Jake Walterson Avatar
    Jake Walterson

    This really opened my eyes to the power of CBD oils. The writing skill alone kept my interest. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Kathy Ramos Avatar
    Kathy Ramos

    Good on you for sharing this info. Thanks.

  5. Zeta Bazzano Avatar
    Zeta Bazzano

    Interesting info. Thank you.

  6. Karl-Heinrich Konig Avatar
    Karl-Heinrich Konig

    As a yoga enthusiast, I was excited to read about how CBD can help to improve my practice! I’m definitely going to give it a try

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Laura Powell Avatar
About the author
Laura Powell was introduced to yoga at the PranaVida Yoga Studio in Orlando, FL, in 2001 and has been studying yoga ever since. She began her study with Ravi Singh and, after trying many teachers and styles in the yoga cornucopia that is New York City, gravitated to the classes of Sharon Gannon and David Life of Jivamukti whom she considers to be her primary influences. Inspired by her students and yoga masters B.K.S. Iyengar, T.K.V. Desikachar, Gary Kraftsow, Godfrey Devereaux, and Donna Farhi, she emphasizes safety and proper alignment, building awareness of the body so that time, effort and the breath can bring about the many potential benefits of yoga. Laura is committed to her self-study and daily yoga practice, along with attending regular workshops with Kofi Busia and other senior teachers.
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