Goddess Squat

utkata konasana

Level: Beginner
Pronunciation: oot-KAH-tuh cone-AHS-uh-nuh


1. From a standing position with the feet 3 feet apart, bend the elbows at shoulder height and turn the palms facing each other. Turn the feet out 45 degrees facing the corners of the room, and as you exhale bend the knees over the toes squatting down.

2. Press the hips forward, press the knees back. Drop the shoulders down and back and press the chest toward the front of the room. Keep the arms active, as if they were holding a big ball over your head. Look straight ahead with the chin parallel to the floor.

3. Breathe and hold for 3-6 breaths.

4. To release: inhale and straighten the legs, reaching the fingertips to the ceiling, then exhale the arms to the sides.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Goddess Squat pose opens the hips and chest while strengthening and toning the lower body. Goddess pose stimulates the uro-genital, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips or shoulders.


Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence leading up to this pose: Five Pointed Star, Mountain.
Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence ending after this pose: Five Pointed Star, Mountain, Standing Angle, Standing Yoga Mudra.

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3 responses to “Goddess Squat”

  1. Samicannou Cailachame Avatar
    Samicannou Cailachame

    I want to know the yoga poses for quadriceps strength
    Please help me

  2. Alexia Wilkinson Avatar
    Alexia Wilkinson

    I’ve been practising the Goddess Squat for a few weeks now and it’s been life-changing! I feel stronger and more energetic all day long – thank you Yoga Basics!

  3. Zachery Saks Avatar
    Zachery Saks

    I appreciate the detailed instructions and variations provided in this article. It’s great to have options for modifying the pose to fit different skill levels and body types.

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