Bedtime Yoga Video

The Best Free Bedtime Yoga Videos on Youtube

Published on September 9, 2021

Yoga is a great way to unwind and relax before bed, but often it is helpful to have some expert guidance and a little bit of encouragement to get on our mats and practice. We have compiled the best bedtime yoga videos that are specifically designed for relaxing after work, winding down from a long day at school or work, and getting you into a calm state of mind so you can fall asleep easily. These videos are mostly short, sweet, and easy to follow, so they are very accessible after a long busy day. You don’t need any fancy equipment to practice these poses either—just grab a yoga mat, dim the lights and follow along!

14 Free Yoga for Bedtime Videos

If you’ve wanted to try evening yoga, then check out our list of our favorite bedtime yoga routines. We have sorted this list based on class time. You will find the shortest videos at the top of the list and the longest at the bottom. If you are a beginner or just short on time, choose a video at the top of the list. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which one works best with your schedule, experience, and goals. These YouTube videos will provide you with a safe, gentle, and effective practice to help you end your day and get ready for bed. Best of all, these are all free to watch!

Yoga for Sleep by Yoga With Bird

If you are short on time, check out this 5-minute practice to promote deep sleep and relaxation. The practice flows through just four poses: Child’s pose, Supine Tree, Knee Down Twist, and Happy Baby. She designed this simple and gentle practice to help you wind down after a long day and prepare for a good night’s rest.

Simple Stretches Before Bed by Breathe and Flow

Slow down, unwind and prepare for sleep with this 10-minute sequence that can be practiced in bed. You’ll begin seated with a few deep breaths in Easy Pose and progress with a few neck and upper body stretches. About midway, the practice moves onto the belly with a Sphinx pose, Crocodile and a deep shoulder stretch twist. The class ends on your back with some hip circles and Happy Baby pose.

Yoga for a Relaxing Night’s Sleep by Jessica Richburg

Make sure you have a pillow or two nearby before you start this very sweet 10-minute evening practice. Jessica notes that this sequence is best to do before bed—and it can be practiced on top of your bed so you can go to sleep immediately after. It begins with a short meditation and includes self-massage techniques and a series of relaxing seated poses. The practice ends with Shavasana pose.

Wind Down Bedtime Yoga by Yoga With Adriene

Simple, slow and easy to understand, this 12-minute session helps to release tension and stress, love your body, and allows you to relax and unwind. The intention of this class is to “give the thinking mind a break and relax the body” and to let go of anything you’ve been holding onto throughout the day. After a few Cat/Cow stretches and Child’s pose, the remainder of the practice comprises soothing supine poses like Knee Down Twist and Happy Baby.

Bedtime Yoga by Yoginimelbourne

This gentle seated sequence is a great way to wind down from the day and get ready for sleep. Take 12 minutes to follow along to destress, unwind, and prepare for a splendid night’s sleep. The practice focuses mainly on side bends and hip opening poses.

Relaxing & Easy Yoga Stretches Before Bed by SofaBar Fitness

Consider adding this 14-minute video to your nightly routine to help calm and clear your mind, maintain your flexibility, slow down, and prepare for sleep. The sequence begins seated and includes simple yet deep hip opening poses, hamstring stretches, and twists.

Yoga for Sleep by Cat Meffan

This 15-minute calming yoga sequence gently moves through a handful of mostly seated poses to stretch and unwind with in the evening. The use of fluid motion in the warmups and poses encourages the release of excess stress and energy. Twists and forward bending poses encourage calm and inner focus. The practice ends with a long Child’s pose and a short closing to prepare you for your day ahead.

Bedtime Yoga for Lower back, Hips & Knees by Yoga Song

This 15-minute video is perfect to encourage you to unwind, let go and relax after a long day. Find rest and relaxation in this slow mindful flow of just a few supine poses like Bridge, Knee Down Twist, Supine Pigeon, and Supine Bound Angle. The class ends with an affirmation of “I’ve done my best today and I’m ready to let go.”

Yoga For Sleep by YOGATX

If you are suffering from an overactive mind or insomnia, check out this calming class by certified yoga instructor Jen Hilman. This 17-minute sequence is designed especially to help you unwind, relax, calm down, center yourself, so you can get a good night’s rest. Suitable for beginner students, these basic floor poses gently stretch the hips, legs and low back. The class ends with a long Shavasana pose.

Evening Yoga Flow to Surrender & Let Go by Caren Baginski

This 20-minute evening yoga video is a great way to start your bedtime routine. It can help you unwind and relax your body and mind by encouraging you to “surrender and let go of burdens and troubles” that you’ve taken on during your day. The class includes some gentle forward bends, twists, and hip openers as well as other poses to ease tension and stress in the neck and shoulders.

Yoga for Sleep & Deep Relaxation by PsycheTruth

This lovely 20 Minute bedtime routine can help you relax, fall asleep faster and sleep better. It’s a simple, easy-to-follow sequence that incorporates some gentle postures, neck stretches and calming breathing techniques. This calming flow focuses on stretching and relaxing the hips, spine, and legs to help release any tension in the body.

Bedtime Yoga To Relax & Unwind by Boho Beautiful Yoga

This 24-minute evening yoga practice will help you focus on your breath, connect with your body, and prepare yourself for a deeper, restful sleep. It’s a perfect way to enhance the quality of your sleep and allow your body to heal and rejuvenate after a long day. This slow paced sequence gently guides you into a deep state of relaxation as you move through several twisting and hip opening poses.

Bedtime Yoga to Practice Presence by Baileyyyoga

This 25-minute relaxing evening yoga flow uses interesting and creative variations of slow gentle stretches and deep breathing to help you relax before bedtime. Bailey notes that this floor based sequence can be practiced on your bed if you wish. The class ends with a short seated meditation.

Evening Yoga for Better Sleep by Rituals

The intention of this evening sequence is to facilitate the transition from a busy and active day to a slow and calm evening. This 30-minute practice starts with a standing meditation in Mountain pose and moves through some gentle standing warm up movements. The rest of the class focus on twists and hip opening poses. It ends on the back with Bridge, Belly Twist, and Shavasana.

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About the author
Timothy Burgin is a Kripalu & Pranakriya trained yoga instructor living and teaching in Asheville, NC. Timothy has studied and taught many styles of yoga and has completed a 500-hour Advanced Pranakriya Yoga training. Timothy has been serving as the Executive Director of since 2000. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Timothy is also the creator of Japa Mala Beads and has been designing and importing mala beads since 2004.
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