Standing Forward Fold


Level: Beginner
Pronunciation: (OOT-tan-AHS-ahna)

Uttanasana, Standing Forward Fold or Bend, is one of the most practiced yoga poses in Hatha yoga. It is one of the first asanas introduced to a novice yogi, as it is an essential part of the Sun Salutations. Uttanasana is a great pose to add to any yoga routine—it’s a simple pose to learn, and when done correctly, it can help to improve posture, extend the spine, and stretch tight hamstrings. It is also an excellent pose for relieving stress and calming the mind. With the proper technique of alignment, focus and breath, Standing Forward Bend can be a powerful yoga asana to promote flexibility, relieve stress and deepen mindfulness in your yoga practice.

Meaning of the asana

The name Uttanasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Uttana meaning ‘intense stretch’ and ‘asana’ meaning ‘posture’. Uttana is composed of two words, ‘ut’ meaning intense, powerful or deliberate and ‘tan’ meaning to stretch or lengthen. “intense stretch,” referring to the feeling of deep stretching through the entire body. Uttanasana opens up the hips, hamstrings, and calves, as well as stretching the spine.


1. From Mountain pose exhale forward, hinging at the hips. Bend the knees enough to bring the palms flat to the floor and the head pressed against the knees.

2. Feel the spine stretching in opposite directions as you pull the head down and in and press the hips up.  Work on straightening the legs to deepen the stretch in the backs of the legs.

3. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths, actively pressing the belly into the thighs on the inhalation.

4. To release: bend the knees keeping the back straight, inhale the arms out to the sides and inhale the arms and torso up back into Mountain pose.

Benefits + Contraindications

Benefits: Standing Forward Fold pose lengthens the spinal column and stretches the backs of the legs and the back muscles. This posture compresses and massages the internal organs to boost metabolism and stimulate the digestive, uro-genital, nervous and endocrine systems. It helps to ease lower back pain and can also help to improve circulation, regulate blood pressure, boost body awareness, and promote better spinal health. Mentally, this pose can help to quiet the mind and relieve stress, anxiety and fatigue. Emotionally, it can help to increase self-awareness and soothes anger and irritation. It also provides relief from fatigue, making it a great pose for winding down after a long day.

Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back or shoulders.

Modifications + Variations

Modifications: Support your hands on blocks to help relax the upper body and receive a more gentle stretch to the hamstrings.
Variations: There are multiple variations on the placement of the hands: A) Hold on to the backs of the ankles, B) Scoop the fingers under the feet until the toes reach the wrists, C) Cross the arms behind the legs and hold onto the front of the ankles with opposite hands, D) Clasp the elbows behind the legs.

Anatomy of the Asana

  • Hamstrings and Calves–This pose stretches the hamstring muscles and lengthens the calf muscles,, providing relief to those who suffer from tightness and tension in the back of the legs.
  • Glutes—Stretches the gluteal muscles to relieve pain in the hips, low back and knees.
  • Back Muscles—Deep stretch for the erector spinae back muscles, helping to relieve tension and pain in the upper and lower back.

Common mistakes and misalignments

  • Avoid locking your knees as you fold forward. This can create unnecessary tension and strain, as well as put you at risk of injury.
  • Many people struggle with the flexibility of their hamstrings. If you find it difficult to touch your toes, try bending your knees slightly and folding forward until you can find a comfortable stretch. It is not about touching your toes or stretching your tight hamstrings, but about lengthening the entire backside of the body with care and intention.
  • When practicing Uttanasana, it is important to allow the head to relax and hang freely. If the neck is held stiffly, it can lead to excess strain and tension.
  • Engaging the core muscles helps to prevent strain on the lower back and can help to create a sense of stability within the pose. It is important to draw the core muscles inward and up without excessively tensing them.
  • It is important to keep the feet firmly planted on the ground during the pose, with the feet slightly apart. Doing so ensures that the pose is held in a stable and grounded manner.
    It is common for people to want to keep the knees straight while folding forward, however, this can cause strain on the lower back. Instead, allow the knees to bend slightly to help the spine stay long and relaxed.
  • Focus on lengthening your spine and maintaining a strong core to support your posture. Allow yourself to relax your arms, neck, and shoulders and take slow, deep breaths to relax even further.

Tips for deepening the pose

To refine Standing Forward Bend pose, focus on lengthening your spine and stretching your back muscles, glutes, and hamstrings. It is important to ensure that the forward bend originates from the pelvis and hip creases, and not from the back. Press your heels down firmly into the floor and maintain the length of your spine from the crown of your head to your tailbone.

Allow your head and arms to hang relaxed to help relieve neck and shoulder tension and stiffness. Make sure to keep your spine and neck extended, and your torso relaxed while you fold forward. The focus should be more on lengthening the spine, rather than just leaning over your legs.

For a deeper stretch, work on having your legs straight and engage your core muscles to help lift your chest and extend through the crown of the head. Pull up the kneecaps and engage the front of the thighs to create stability and strength in the knee joints.


Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence leading up to this pose: Mountain, High Lunge, Down Dog, Standing Squat.
Use one or more of the following postures to build a sequence ending after this pose: Mountain, High Lunge, Down Dog, Standing Squat.

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3 responses to “Standing Forward Fold”

  1. Maisson Avatar

    Yoga isn’t a religion, and there are many forms of Yoga. The Yoga that uses excierse practices or poses(Asanas) is called Raja Yoga. This practice that uses excierses and meditation, combined, and aims to help you find fitness and balance in mind, body and soul. If these three are fit and in balance then you will be able to achieve clarity, happiness, peace and tranquility, which are essential for your daily problem solving and for dealing with all the short and long-term life issues. So give it a try!! Start slowly and gently and after you learn the basics you can take your practice to the next level. Yoga is really fun when you have a regular practice. Good luck and don’t feel discouraged!-Marcella Bingham, San Diego

  2. Sadie Shah Avatar
    Sadie Shah

    This standing forward fold pose has helped me so much. I have a bad back and it makes sitting down uncomfortable. I am able to stand without pain or discomfort. My posture feels better than ever. Thank you for sharing this information.

  3. Kasey Avatar

    I am new to yoga, and I appreciate the images showing the different poses and their names. However, while reading about one pose it mentions another that I am unfamiliar with. I clicked on for Beginners, but it is written with the assumption that I already know what the “Moutain pose.” If the writing’s target audience is beginners, then it should be assumed they do not know even the basic terminology and should be written with the beginner in mind. What I would appreciate is the basic poses with their name and picture so that I may practice them before trying more complicated poses.

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