yoga appreciation

15 Ways to Express Appreciation for Yoga

Published on June 25, 2020

Have you ever noticed that yoga is always there when you need it the most? When your breath is short, your chest feels tight, and your shoulders are locked in place somewhere around your ears, yoga is there to help you recalibrate. But how often do you pause and really appreciate everything yoga offers? Do you struggle with finding ways to express your appreciation and gratitude for your yoga practice?

When I began this article, I wrote a list of all the ways to appreciate yoga. Then I walked away from it and let it sit. Leaving work one day, I found myself on the precipice of anxiety. I couldn’t pinpoint the source. But I could feel the tight chest, the shallow breath, and the rising sense of panic. So, I focused on my breath. And then I took my own advice. I rolled out my mat and incorporated my list on how to express appreciation for yoga. After a few minutes, I noticed I was breathing freely, feeling calm, peaceful, and ever so grateful.

15 ways to express appreciation for yoga

  1. Arrive a few minutes early to class so you can settle into the space. Take your time to roll out your mat, collect your props, and transition into a peaceful place.
  2. Make gratitude a daily part of your practice. Begin or end by giving thanks. Try saying something like, “I am thankful for this space in which to practice, this mat on which to practice, this body with which to practice, and this practice.” You can also practice with gratitude themed yoga videos.
  3. Make time for your practice and practice the whole allotted time. Don’t arrive late or leave early. Savor every moment of your yoga time.
  4. If you typically have shorter practices or go to shorter classes, schedule time for a longer practice. Take the 90-minute class instead of the 60-minute class.
  5. Move slowly and mindfully. Let your breath set the pace. Resist the temptation to jump to the next pose or moment.
  6. Say or think “thank” as you inhale and “you” as you exhale. Use this affirmation with each pose and transition.
  7. Don’t skip Shavasana (corpse pose)! Let your practice and body settle, integrate, and relish in this deeply relaxing pose.
  8. Keep a yoga journal. After your yoga practice, take a few moments to write what you appreciated about that particular experience. This could be a quick list or a longer free write—just get those grateful thoughts down on paper.
  9. Slowly transition out of your practice and into your day. Try to maintain and carry the peace and bliss of your yoga into the remainder of the tasks of your day.
  10. Create a post-yoga ritual. Have a post-practice cup of tea, read some inspirational quotes, or dab your favorite essential oil on your temples. Use this time to reflect and integrate your practice.
  11. Take your practice with you. Return to your breath or even your affirmation (thank you) throughout the day.
  12. Create a designated practice space at home. Build an altar and place only special objects on it that remind you to be thankful.
  13. Share your practice with someone. Invite a friend to class or schedule a practice date. Discuss what you appreciate about yoga and what you loved about the practice.
  14. Keep your yoga and meditation space clean and tidy. At home, have a space to stow your props and keep your altar free of dust or clutter. If you practice in a studio, put your props away neatly and volunteer to clean it!
  15. Write a list of what you appreciate about yoga and share it with friends. Keep your list handy so you can access it when you need some inspiration.
Yoga and Gratitude

Quotes on Yoga & Gratitude

We’ve compiled the best 17 inspiring quotes on yoga and gratitude to inspire and motivate you to bring an attitude of gratitude into your yoga practice. You can post and read these quotes wherever you might need a reminder to bring thankfulness to your practice.

Appreciation helps cultivate contentment (samtosha), the second niyama or observance. Feeling thankful requires awareness and brings us into the present moment. Being grateful increases our feelings of well-being and happiness. Expressing appreciation for yoga through thought, action, and speech can help develop habits that bring gratitude off the mat and into our daily lives.

Share your insights with us!

How do you express your appreciation for yoga? What rituals have you incorporated to savor your practice and relish in your gratitude for yoga? Let us know your tips, thoughts, and insights in the comments below!

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4 responses to “15 Ways to Express Appreciation for Yoga”

  1. Maria Avatar

    Great list. Thank you!

    1. Hali Plourde-Rogers Avatar
      Hali Plourde-Rogers

      Thank you, Maria! I’m glad it resonated with you.

  2. Amelia Turner Avatar
    Amelia Turner

    Shavasana is the cherry on top of your yoga practice, allowing your body and mind to fully relax and soak in all the benefits.

  3. Jessica Davis Avatar
    Jessica Davis

    Practicing gratitude daily is such a wonderful habit to cultivate. It helps us appreciate all the small things that make our yoga practice special.

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Hali Plourde-Rogers Avatar
About the author
When she was a kid, Hali took her first yoga class with her grandfather. She remembers feeling taller after the class, as if the practice had literally stretched her out. Years later, she rediscovered yoga through belly dance lessons, and then as its own rewarding practice. While living in a rural area with limited yoga classes and dealing with the loss of her father, she completed her 200-hour teacher training. Many years passed between that first class with her grandfather and completing her teacher training. However, she still finds joy in the discoveries that come with each practice. She teaches vinyasa yoga and hopes to give students the space to grow in their minds, bodies, and souls.
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