best gifts for yoga moms

9 Mother’s Day Gifts for the Yogi Mom

Published on May 4, 2017

This Mother’s Day, celebrate your mom and honor everything she has done for you by giving her the perfect yoga-inspired gift. If your mom lives on the yoga mat, she’ll love any of these gifts. From private classes to mala beads, help your mom recharge and refresh this Mother’s Day with these nine yoga-inspired gifts.

1. A private class with her favorite yoga teacher

Help your mom deepen her yoga practice with a private yoga session. If she has a favorite yoga teacher, why not reach out to them and plan a private yoga class? Private yoga classes are a great way to learn about your body and improve your practice, so this gift keeps on giving. If she doesn’t already have a favorite teacher, check out Easypose to find a qualified yoga teacher in her area.

2. A fashionable springtime yoga outfit

Treat your mom to a fresh look for Mother’s Day. A new spring-inspired outfit can be the perfect gift to make her look and feel great on the yoga mat. Check out these spring yoga fashion tips and trends to find the perfect outfit for your mom.

3. A yoga prop to complement her practice

Every body is different, and the right prop can make a world of difference in your mom’s yoga practice. Whether it’s a strap or a block to help her access different postures, or a yoga wheel to help her deepen her poses, a yoga prop is a great gift for the yogi mom. Check out Wacces for a great selection of props.

4. Membership to a premium online yoga channel

Give your mom the gift of a home practice with a subscription to Grokker. They offer high quality virtual yoga classes for every level in just about every style of yoga. They also offer cooking and fitness videos. No matter which type of yoga your mom enjoys, she can find it on Grokker and take it wherever she goes.

5. A yoga-themed mug

Bring some yoga love into your mom’s morning tea or coffee with this yoga-themed mug. With diagrams depicting different yoga poses and their respective chakras, this mug is the perfect way for every yogi to start their day. While you’re at it, why not make it a themed gift? Pair it with one of Yogi’s delicious Woman’s Teas.

6. Japa Mala Beads to honor her intentions  

Japa Mala Beads come in all different designs, each with specific gemstones to aid one with their individual intentions. Made from gemstone, bone, wood and seed beads, these malas can be worn on your mother’s wrist so she can think of you everytime she uses her hands.

7. An eye pillow for the perfect savasana

Give your mom one of these organic cotton eye pillows for her next yoga practice. At the end of the practice, when she lays down in savasana, she’ll rest this pillow over her eyes and think of you. The divine smell and subtle weight will help her relax and enhance her meditation.

8. A foam roller to help her release

Everyone has tension. Especially our mothers. So why not help mom release some of that tension this Mother’s Day? Gaiam has a wide selection of foam rollers that your mom can use to dig into her muscles and release built up tension. You’re not just giving her a foam roller, you’re giving her a stress-free tomorrow.

9. A box of delicious Buddha chocolates

Chocolates have always been a traditional gift and for good reason. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a delicious box of chocolate? The Buddha Collection from French Broad Chocolates is more than just a box of chocolates. It’s a vegan assortment of truly unique and delicious truffles; perfect for the yogi mom that still loves a little indulgence now and again.

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About the author
Born and raised in California, Sarah Dittmore is a traveler at heart who has been inspired by the people and places she’s discovered. While in India her host father introduced her to yoga, which has helped her explore the world with an open heart and a free spirit. When Sarah returned to the US she earned her 200-hour teaching certificate from Yoga Garden SF. Soon after she completed her Level 1 Reiki training with Robin Powell. Sarah believes that every inch of this world is worth exploring and has made it her mission to do just that. Today, Sarah lives her dream teaching yoga around the world and working as a freelance writer. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a traveling yogi, you can follow her journey on Instagram.
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