Swami Satyananda Saraswati Passes Away

Published on December 17, 2009

Revered Indian Swami Satyananda Saraswati died at midnight on Decmeber 5th.  Swami Satyananda Saraswati was the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga and a respected teacher of Tantra Yoga.  

As a child, he would have spontaneous spiritual experiences, and by the age of 15 began practicing Kundalini Yoga (which traditionally is different than the Kundalini asana taught today.) In 1943, he met Swami Sivananda Saraswati, with whom he studied for many years.  After leaving the Sivananda ashram, he settled in Bihar where he founded the International Yoga Fellowship and the Bihar School of Yoga in 1964.

He was a world-renowned teacher of yogic and tantric traditions and techniques.  Also known as a highly prolific author of dozens of books on Tantric techniques and teachings, Swami Satyananda Sarawati’s contributions to the body of yogic knowledge are vast.

According to one source, he was denounced by the Rishikesh swamis because he was bold enough to teach tantra, which is often thought of as a renegade approach to the yogic lifestyle.  But he remained a highly respected and honored yoga guru.

Swami Satyandanada Saraswati reached maha Samadhi (or the “great enlightenment) at midnight on December 5th, 2009.  His students and followers will be observing a 16-day ritual known as shodashi puja, which will culminate on December 22.

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About the author
Kelly has been a student and practitioner of yoga for over a decade, and through the exploration of the physical and philosophical practices, yoga has touched every aspect of her life in a positive way. In her sharing of yoga, she strives to inspire in others the peace, well being, balance, harmony, and understanding that yoga has brought to her own life. Kelly graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1998 with a degree in Creative Writing. Following college, she did freelance writing and editing before turning her focus more completely toward yoga and rearing a family. Kelly is currently serving as the Director of Vira Bhava Yoga School.
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