February Giveaway: Heartscent Gift Certificate

February Giveaway: Heartscent Gift Certificate

Published on February 1, 2021

We’ve teamed up with our friends at Heartscent for this month’s yoga giveaway sweepstakes prize. For the month of February, YogaBasics readers can have a chance to win a $125 Gift Certificate to their online shop!

About Heartscent:

Heartscent offers a number of essential oil blends to support health, naturally. Each ingredient is certified organic and chosen for its specific benefit to the blend. They also create natural health and simple beauty products from organic herbs and oils. All of Heartscent’s products are simple, clean, and effective. Please take a moment to check out their website to see the entire line of skincare and essential oils that they offer.

About the prize:

One winner will receive a $125 Heartscent Gift Certificate. Who doesn’t like to pick out their own prize? Choose $125 from a wide selection of personal care items: Chakra Oils, Sweet Grass + Sage Energy Spray or Essential oil rollers for anxiety, grief, headache or whatever your heart desires. All products are made with 100% organic plant oils.

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5 responses to “February Giveaway: Heartscent Gift Certificate”

  1. Julie Kay Karsky Avatar
    Julie Kay Karsky

    Perfect gift to win for February.
    If I win, I will use these oils for my yoga classes.
    Make mists for Savasana and use them for yoga mat cleansers.

  2. Peggy Carroll-Elwood Avatar
    Peggy Carroll-Elwood

    Looks like an i formative and fun website!

  3. Mindy Zingelewicz Avatar
    Mindy Zingelewicz

    thank you

  4. Valorie Sweat Avatar
    Valorie Sweat

    No comment.

  5. Fabio Avatar

    Love Yoga Basics :)

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Timothy Burgin Avatar
About the author
Timothy Burgin is a Kripalu & Pranakriya trained yoga instructor living and teaching in Asheville, NC. Timothy has studied and taught many styles of yoga and has completed a 500-hour Advanced Pranakriya Yoga training. Timothy has been serving as the Executive Director of YogaBasics.com since 2000. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Timothy is also the creator of Japa Mala Beads and has been designing and importing mala beads since 2004.
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