yoga yamas

The Five Yamas of Yoga: Definition & Practice Tips

Published on March 10, 2020

At the beginning of Patanjali’s eight-fold path of yoga lays the Yamas: the moral, ethical and societal guidelines for the practicing yogi. These guidelines are all expressed in the positive, and thus become emphatic descriptions of how a yogi behaves and relates to her world when truly immersed in the unitive state of yoga. While we may not strive to reach such a pure state ourselves, the Yamas are still highly relevant and valued guides to lead a conscious, honest and ethical life.

Patanjali considered the Yamas the great, mighty and universal vows. He instructs us that they should be practiced on all levels (actions, words, and thoughts) and that they are not confined to class, place, time or concept of duty (YS 2.31).

The Five Yamas of Yoga

  1. Ahimsa is the practice of non-violence, which includes physical, mental, and emotional violence towards others and the self. We create violence most often in our reactions to events and others, habitually creating judgment, criticism, anger or irritation. I have found the Buddhist practice of compassion to be an excellent tool to foster non-violence in my life. Compassion is the ability to accept events as they are with an open and loving heart. It is a letting go of reacting to a situation in a conditional and negative way and replaces those thoughts or feelings with kindness, acceptance, and love. At first practicing compassion is hard, frustrating and not fun. But the key is to have compassion for oneself for not having compassion and to smile at this contradiction.
  2. Satya (truthfulness) urges us to live and speak our truth at all times. Walking the path of truth is a hard one, especially while respecting Patanjali’s first Yama, Ahimsa. Since Ahimsa must be practiced first, we must be careful to not speak a truth if we know it will cause harm to another. Living in your truth not only creates respect, honor, and integrity but also provides the vision to clearly see the higher truths of the yogic path.
  3. Asteya (non-stealing) is best defined as not taking what is not freely given. While this may on the surface seem easy to accomplish, when we look further this Yama can be quite challenging to practice. On a personal level the practice of Asteya entails not committing theft physically and/or not causing or approving of anyone else doing so–in mind, word, or action. On the level of society, Asteya would be in opposition to exploitation, social injustice, and oppression. While not easy, practicing Asteya encourages generosity and overcomes Lobha (greed). And as Patanjali tells us, “when Asteya is firmly established in a yogi, all jewels will become present to him/her.” (YS 2.37).
  4. Brahmacharya (continence) states that when we have control over our physical impulses of excess, we attain knowledge, vigor, and increased energy. To break the bonds that attach us to our excesses and addictions, we need both courage and will. And each time we overcome these impulses of excess we become stronger, healthier and wiser. One of the main goals of yoga is to create and maintain balance. And the simplest method for achieving balance is by practicing Brahmacharya, creating moderation in all of our activities. Practicing moderation is a way of conserving our energy, which can then be applied for higher spiritual purposes.
  5. Aparigraha (non-coveting) urges us to let go of everything that we do not need, possessing only as much as necessary. The yogis tell us that worldly objects cannot be possessed at all, as they are all subject to change and will be ultimately destroyed. When we become greedy and covetous we lose the ability to see our one eternal possession, the Atman, our true Self. And when we cling to what we have we lose the ability to be open to receive what we need.

Tips for practicing the Yamas

Simply by contemplating the Yamas, we begin to practice them. Yet, the daily practice of aligning our thoughts, behaviors, and actions with these moral, ethical and societal guidelines can be arduous and challenging. Ideally, practicing the Yamas should be approached slowly over many years and should be combined with a dedicated hatha yoga practice. It is recommended to practice applying the Yamas to your life using a structured methodology like the seven steps below.

  1. practicing the YamasStart with only one Yama. Begin by reading, understanding and contemplating each of the five Yamas. As you contemplate how each Yama would unfold in your current life, notice your thoughts and emotional reactions to making changes to support each one. You will likely find one or two Yamas that have a strong charge for you. Depending on the amount of inner strength and community support you have, you may decide to start with the most charged one or leave those for later. Make a clear and conscious choice to dedicate yourself to practicing this Yama over a set period of time. A good place to start is committing to 40 days of practice.
  2. Start practicing your Yamas on your mat. Begin to practice the awareness and skillful effort of your chosen Yama on your yoga mat. Use your Yama as the intention or Sankalpa of your practice and let it be the guiding force to how you engage with the breath and the body as you flow from pose to pose. Do not judge when you fail at your attempts, simply vow to try again. Be patient, kind and compassionate but also dedicated, willful and focused.
  3. Reflect and track your progress. Keep a journal or find another method of tracking your commitment and progress. It is quite possible that you will encounter epiphanies or discover powerful insights that will be helpful to document. Reflection and contemplation of your experiences with practicing the Yamas will also be helpful to further integrate them into your yoga practice and life.
  4. Deepen your observation and exploration. As you continue to focus on a Yama while you move through your yoga or meditation practice you will begin to notice patterns and habits to your thoughts and emotions. Spend some time in contemplation to pull on the threads of these patterns to see if you can discern where they originate from. These patterns will most likely be originating from a Samskara, a deeply rooted wheel of suffering. Yamas are a powerful tool to shine the light of awareness to these dark and murky areas of the self and to help reprogram our Samskaras.
  5. Take your Yama off of your mat. Once you are comfortable and competent in using your chosen Yama in your yoga or meditation practice, you can begin to practice it in your day-to-day life. As you move out of the controlled and defined environment of your practice, you may feel like you are regressing in your progress. Note any aspects of your life (work, family, relationships, health, money, etc.) that appear to be the kryptonite to your Yama. If this area is too challenging or overwhelming, give yourself permission to apply your Yama after you have had success in the other aspects of your life.
  6. Commit to the next Yama. Once you feel the challenge and charge of practicing your Yama has diminished it may be time to commit to another one. As your inner awareness strengthens you may be able to take on more than one Yama at a time, but it is still advised to not rush the practice of the Yamas. Before you take on a new one, you may want to reflect on your past experience and decide on any changes or refinements to your approach.
  7. Keep peeling the onion. The Yamas are considered a vow you make for the entirety of your yoga practice. Practicing them will get easier over time, but you will probably find that each Yama has several different layers of practice and discovery. You may choose how deeply and completely you practice each one—only fully committed enunciates should vow to practice the Yamas fully and completely.  Continuing to peel back the layers of each Yama will deepen your inner-transformation, strengthen your awareness, and purify your heart and mind.
  8. Move on to the next limb. The Niyamas are the next limb in Patanjali’s eight-fold path of yoga, and thus the next obvious step towards progressing along this path. The Niyamas are five internal practices or observances. These practices shift the focus from external ethical codes of conduct in the Yamas to the yogi’s internal environment of body, mind, and spirit.

Goals of the Yamas

In a practical sense, practicing the Yamas eliminates or reduces the accumulation of bad karma as well as prevents the draining of our energy when we lead a false and/or unconscious life. When we practice the Yamas we are striving towards living a healthier, holier and more peaceful life and at the same time we strengthen our powers of awareness, will and discernment. The more we cultivate conscious and skillful action, the easier it will be to navigate strong emotions and negative thought patterns—and much less likely to act from unconscious programming.

Engaging in these practices is not an easy task, yet by doing so we fortify our character, improve our relationships with others, and further our progress along the path of yoga.

Books to study and practice further

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Yamas and Niyamas are rich philosophical subjects that can be explored and practiced in great depth. If you are ready to study and dive deeper into these practices, consider reading one or more dedicated books on the subject. Below are our recommendations for you to check out to learn more:

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41 responses to “The Five Yamas of Yoga: Definition & Practice Tips”

  1. ebranham Avatar

    When i very first really starting to get interested in yoga and all of its fundamentals, i found that it really calmed me and made it easier to let things go. And i quit for a long time. now that i look back i can see the real difference in the violent me and the peaceful me. And i am determined to get that back. Thank you so much for providing these guidelines.

    1. Michael Avatar

      I can relate to this, as well. Like you, I used to practice yoga and felt much more balanced, but then quit years ago and have felt unhappy and unfulfilled. I am ready to begin yoga, because it was such a more satisfying path than this aggravating and miserable path I am currently on.

  2. skylar Avatar

    Is it possible for anyone to become enlightened? I guess I mean is it really possible?

  3. skylar Avatar

    I dont feel like I’m conected to my spitit at all…but I really want to learn how to be. I have no idea who I am anymore.

  4. Timothy Avatar

    skylar- Yes, it is possible to become enlightened, but it is rare and really hard to do.

    Sit and breathe and go inside. Set the thoughts aside and look deeply within and see what you find.

    1. Deepak Sehrawat Avatar
      Deepak Sehrawat

      Hi Everybody,
      I read obove article on “yamas”. First of all its not yamas its Yama. This is a Sanskrit word and in Sanskrit we don’t add “s” to convert singular to plural. There are 8 limbs or parts in yog. The first limb is Yam which are well explained above except brahmacharya, which in layman’s language means to conserve you semen I.e… Not to indulge in sex until and unless you desire to have children’s. That’s right its tough but when we practices it for like a month we feel as if we are more powerful, honest , workaholic and much more. Its all about experiencing.Its irrespective of your religious belief . For literature review read Shatyarth Prakash by Rishi Dayanand Saraswati , Yogsutra, Many Smiriti, etc.

  5. gisyoga Avatar

    now at the art(yoga) now. now at the(yoga) being art now. being art at being at the(yoga) at the(oneness)now. now is(practice) at form (now) where yourat is atman at enlightend yogic art atman.

  6. LakewaterHair Avatar

    I will have to disagree with Timothy.
    It isn’t hard and it isn’t rare to become enlightened. It’s something that we all already have inside of us, something we’ve all already learned and understood but have hidden and pushed away with our ego. I’ll agree with him by saying that the answers are all within. Never look for anything outside of yourself. Peace, love and enlightenment are already within you.

    I believe we are already enlightened beings to start off with. We’re not trying to become enlightenned because that’s what we already are. We are trying to identify our ego when it is present and take away its power. Only then can your true, enlightened self, shine through.

    People might disagree with me. Some people like to think of enlightenment as this very distant thing that they can’t reach when really, I believe you already have it. You just need to quiet your ego which is blurring it. That’s where the “hard” part comes in, because we all cling to our ego so much. We feel satisfaction in being a victim, blaming, criticizing, idealizing scenarios in our head, etc…

    Just my two cents :)

  7. Timothy Avatar

    Kassandra – I think our disagreement is due to how one defines enlightenment. And you seem to contradict yourself by saying it isn’t hard and then saying it is.

    I do agree that you need to work with the ego, but I think it is more than just quieting it. You need to refine and master the ego to know how to put it aside when necessary, but you also need to refine and master the heart, the body, and the energy to become enlightened.

  8. rbpybc Avatar

    Skylar, many people have lost the feeling of being connected to their true self or spirit – you are not alone, and the fact that you can articulate this sadness and desire actually indicates that you’re farther along than you might think (many people just smother those feelings) – my suggestion: instead of thinking about it as ‘enlightenment’, think about it as ‘coming home’, or remembering who you were as a baby, or being as whole and real as someone you deeply respect – literally, the work is to re-connect and re-ground into your existing nervous system – it is a physical practice, not a mental one – to put it another way, your real brain is not the one in your head, but in your entire body, including your head, heart, guts, backbone, etc – this is the brain that will re-connect you to your true self and to the world around you — the work is fairly simple, as Kassandra indicates – but it can also be quite difficult, as Timothy suggests – start by breathing – deep, full, whole-body breaths – focus particularly on the expansion and emptying of your belly – see what happens – it is a simple instruction, but you may find yourself resisting it strongly – try it for a month, every day, as much as possible – this is the very first toe in the water of real yoga – feel free to check back – always good to hear someone wanting themselves back – peace, Rolf

  9. wujixz Avatar

    Skylar, many people have lost the feeling of being connected to their true self or spirit – you are not alone, and the fact that you can articulate this sadness and desire actually indicates that you’re farther along than you might think (many people just smother those feelings) – my suggestion: instead of thinking about it as ‘enlightenment’, think about it as ‘coming home’, or remembering who you were as a baby, or being as whole and real as someone you deeply respect – literally, the work is to re-connect and re-ground into your existing nervous system – it is a physical practice, not a mental one – to put it another way, your real brain is not the one in your head, but in your entire body, including your head, heart, guts, backbone, etc – this is the brain that will re-connect you to your true self and to the world around you — the work is fairly simple, as Kassandra indicates – but it can also be quite difficult, as Timothy suggests – start by breathing – deep, full, whole-body breaths – focus particularly on the expansion and emptying of your belly – see what happens – it is a simple instruction, but you may find yourself resisting it strongly – try it for a month, every day, as much as possible – this is the very first toe in the water of real yoga – feel free to check back – always good to hear someone wanting themselves back – peace, Rolf

    March 11, 2013

  10. Emre Avatar

    Thank you for this beautiful article.

    Namaste to all.


  11. Patti Avatar

    Thank you for this beautiful and informative article on the 5 Yamas of Yoga.

  12. Sandi Avatar

    Fantastic descriptions! Thank you for your conscious clarity and your eloquent use of lay mans terms – will help so many!!

  13. Ricardo David Stanton-Salazar Avatar
    Ricardo David Stanton-Salazar

    Thanks Timothy for this information. Ricardo RYT–200 Kripalu, 2007

  14. Sonyata Avatar

    Very good descriptions of the five aspects of Yama from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. Thank you Timothy. Your writing style is very clear and easy to read.

    It is interesting to note that the word yama is used in Sanskrit as constraint, such as in pranayama (constraint of the flow of prana). However, Yama is found in the mythology and folk lore of many Eastern religions (it is on Wikipedia). He is said to be the son of Surya and Saranyu, lokapala (guardian of directions). It is said that he has two hell hounds with four eyes each which he holds on a leash as they wonder about among people as his messengers. and that he seizes the lives of people who are about to die. When he is depicted, his vahana (vehicle) is a buffalo.

    It becomes more graphic in Buddhism and the religions of the Far East as he becomes the keeper of the gateway to Naraka (hell and purgatory), the eventual destination of those who do not heed the wisdom of Yama. As we violate the laws of karma, our souls become trapped out in the world and we are unable to return to within until we reconcile and rectify the samskaras of misdeeds. Yama is the first step of the eight limb path of Ashtanga that Patanjali prescribed. It is associated with the first steps of a soul (first seven years), and the first lessons in life a person should master. For not following this prescription is a sure way to wind up (at least for a while) stuck in unpleasant situations.

    The Element associated with Yama is earth, and is depicted as an elephant. The Muladhara Chakra is the gateway to the next loca (plane), and is guarded by the goddess Shakti Dakini. All of the imagery of the charka tells the story of Yama and this first limb of Ashtanga.


  15. Kimberly M Avatar
    Kimberly M

    I really connected to the understandings of the yamas in this well written format. It was broken down and involved a more English understanding. I have always been what my mother calls a why child. I have been trying to setup a daily yoga practice but all the videos and books never really explained why.. am I doing it this way. I always felt that yoga was more then just downward facing dog or sitting in lotus. I am very interested and excited to find a method of yoga that is right for me. And today I have found most of the path I was meant to be on since childhood. I just wish my master teacher was still alive to see my new development in self.
    Thank you and namaste

  16. Andrew Avatar

    Thank you so much Timothy for setting forth the yamas in a manner that is easily understandable and relate-able. I shall refer to this often!

  17. sarah Avatar

    This has helped my life much thank you for reconnecting me with my spirit

  18. Kathy Avatar

    This was very helpful. I did a college project on this and aced.
    thank you!

  19. Sarah Avatar

    Thank you so much for reconnecting me with myself and my spirit (and my kitty cat) I feel enlightened. I now know who i am
    This has really helped me as a person

  20. Claudia Avatar

    Love it. Thanks

  21. Em Avatar

    I try to follow this and practice daily but I often get distracted or give up. I don’t know how to change. Moreover I believe to achieve this I’d need to give up my phone but I find it vital for keeping friends in the modern world. I’m stuck on what to do

    1. Timothy Burgin Avatar
      Timothy Burgin

      Do the best you can and keep trying!

  22. RayIan Avatar

    Kind of like the 10 commandments of the bible or the Buddhist 8 fold path. Regarding enlightenment. Everything changes, everything flows. I see enlightenment as being in the zone. You keep on practising and sometimes you’re in the zone and other times not.

  23. Joshua Prouds Avatar
    Joshua Prouds

    Thanks for this interesting article, I really enjoyed this in-depth look at the ancient yoga teachings of Patanjali

  24. Philip Angep Avatar
    Philip Angep

    This is a helpful article about the five yamas of yoga. Thank you for these great practice tips

  25. Kathy Tamador Avatar
    Kathy Tamador

    Common interpretations of yamas differ: some scholars interpret the yamas as rules or restrictions on human behaviour, while others believe the yamas refer to a state of higher consciousness or spiritual insights. Thank you for this wonderful article. I really enjoyed reading it.

  26. David R. Laskin Avatar
    David R. Laskin

    Thank you so much for sharing these definitions and explanations! I love learning more about the yamas and niyamas. But what happens when one person has different ideas or opinions about what they mean? For example, some people feel that non-violence means not hurting others physically. Others might say that it means never being violent towards anyone. What do you think?

  27. Candyce Thebo Avatar
    Candyce Thebo

    The five yamas are the foundation of yoga practice. These guidelines help us understand what yoga is and how to apply them in our daily lives. It is an important part of our practice because they are the foundation upon which we build our spiritual life.

  28. Kathy Sharma Avatar
    Kathy Sharma

    This article has helped me understand what the five yamas are and why they are important. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful definitions and tips!

  29. Sarah Fricke Avatar
    Sarah Fricke

    The 5 Yamas of Yoga are very important principles to follow when practicing yoga. They help us live a life of peace and harmony. Thanks for sharing these wonderful articles. These are great reminders of what yoga truly stands for.

  30. Kavita Srivastava Avatar
    Kavita Srivastava

    I am currently studying yoga and have just started practicing the five yamas. I found this very useful and would like to share it with others who are interested in learning more about them.

  31. Sarah Krasner Avatar
    Sarah Krasner

    This article is very useful for beginners who are just starting out with yoga. It provides an excellent overview of what yama means and how they apply to daily life. Thank you for sharing this information.

  32. Shilpa Srivastava Avatar
    Shilpa Srivastava

    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful definitions and tips. I am going to share this with my friends.

  33. Stephanie Avatar

    I’m so intrigued by the five Yamas and how they can help us to live healthier, more meaningful lives. I can’t wait to explore them further. I’m looking forward to seeing how I can apply them to my own practice

  34. Alexia Espinosa Avatar
    Alexia Espinosa

    The Yamas of Yoga are such a powerful and ancient part of this practice and I’m so glad I stumbled across this article. It has given me a much clearer understanding of the Yamas and how to apply them in my life.

  35. Olivia Avatar

    I’ve always been curious about the philosophical underpinnings of yoga, and this article provided a great introduction to the Yamas. I’m looking forward to exploring this further in my practice.

  36. Ethan Avatar

    I love how the five yamas are presented as a roadmap for living a more fulfilling life. The concept of non-harming has inspired me to make changes in my personal and professional life. Can’t wait to see where this takes me!

  37. Benjamin Miller Avatar
    Benjamin Miller

    Satya, or truthfulness, is something that resonates with me on a personal level. It’s so important to be truthful not only with others, but with ourselves as well.

  38. Olivia Bennett Avatar
    Olivia Bennett

    This article has inspired me to delve deeper into my yoga practice and explore how I can incorporate the yamas into my daily life. I am grateful for the clear and concise explanations of each yama and their relevance to the yogic path. The idea of asteya, or non-stealing, is particularly intriguing to me.

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Timothy Burgin Avatar
About the author
Timothy Burgin is a Kripalu & Pranakriya trained yoga instructor living and teaching in Asheville, NC. Timothy has studied and taught many styles of yoga and has completed a 500-hour Advanced Pranakriya Yoga training. Timothy has been serving as the Executive Director of since 2000. He has authored two yoga books and has written over 500 articles on the practice and philosophy of yoga. Timothy is also the creator of Japa Mala Beads and has been designing and importing mala beads since 2004.
Yoga Basics