Yoga Grinch Quiz

Yoga Quiz: Are You a Giver or a Yoga Grinch?

Published on November 6, 2018

The many holidays at end of the year are all about giving to others and reflecting on what we’re thankful for. It’s the perfect time to work on opening our hearts to find a little extra loving kindness to spread around. Are you the kind of person who consistently makes time to volunteer and consciously practices compassion and generosity? Or perhaps your heart could stand to grow a few sizes this holiday season. Take this fun and festive quiz to find out whether you’re a true giver or more of a Grinch!

Do you enjoy children?
If your friend is sick, what do you do?
Do you like to host big family meals?
Do you enjoy volunteering and practicing karma yoga?
Do you like holiday decorations?
Would you move your yoga mat over during a class to let someone else have a spot?
What is your favorite part of going home for the holidays?
Have you donated to a yoga non-profit before?
On a walk you find a $50 bill. What is the first thing you do?

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About the author
Ali Mixson grew up with her toes in the sand in a sleepy beach town in Florida. While attending the University of Central Florida, she met her always-entertaining husband. After dreaming of living in the mountains, they decided to stop fantasizing. Asheville, NC, has been their home for two years now. Ali practices yoga to connect with her body, mind, and spirit. She believes yoga has made her a better person and chooses to spread love and joy everywhere she goes!
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