Yoga Intention Quiz

Yoga Quiz: What Is Your New Year’s Intention?

Published on December 6, 2018

It’s amazing how much can happen in a year. As you reflect on the past 12 months, are you happy with the way it went? If so, it might still feel great to reset and turn over a new leaf. Or perhaps you’re ready for a change but were waiting for a sign before making it happen. Well, we think New Year’s is as good a sign as any!

So whether your goal is to continue on your current path, welcome more love into your heart, or transform your attitude, this quiz is the perfect tool to help you clarify and find your intention for the new year.

This year was:
When you’re feeling blue, what perks you up?
What kinds of holiday gifts do you like to give most?
Your favorite kind of yoga class is:
Your friends would describe you as:
How do you usually spend New Year’s Eve?
On a Friday night, you are:
For the New Year you hope to:

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About the author
Charlie is a writer and content marketer who hails from the Midwest but is newly based in Asheville, NC. Since she began practicing over ten years ago, yoga and meditation have grounded and healed her through many times of transition and uncertainty. Charlie now advocates for yoga and meditation as important pieces of a well-rounded mental health maintenance routine.
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