Quiz: Are You Enlightened?

Yoga Quiz: How Enlightened Are You?

Published on March 12, 2019

Have you ever wondered where you stand on your personal spiritual path? Or maybe you aren’t following a defined spiritual path at all but are interested in beginning one. Either way, this quiz will help you understand where you fall right now in your relationships with yourself, others, and the world around you. The questions will help you remember to celebrate the things you’re doing well and to send you a little loving encouragement as you consider the areas that could use more focus.

While most of us may never reach full enlightenment, the closer we can get to it, the better! Take a deep breath and begin:

What do you do when a friend is in pain?
I believe that the world…
How do you connect best with other people?
When faced with things I don’t understand, I:
When I meditate, I listen to:
I believe that everyone and everything is:
I feel most at peace when I:
I get anxious when:
What tools (e.g. crystals, essential oils, meditation) do you use to get in touch with your higher self?
Which of the following is closest to representing your beliefs?

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3 responses to “Yoga Quiz: How Enlightened Are You?”

  1. Rajesh Jeyaprakash Avatar
    Rajesh Jeyaprakash

    I practice yoga

  2. BALKRISHNA Avatar


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About the author
Stephanie Rogers is a writer and yogi based in Asheville, NC. She has been practicing yoga since she moved to Asheville in 2011. When she is not in the studio, she can be found working on nonfiction writing or with friends.
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