Comments on: 7 Tips For Minding Your Yoga Manners Online Yoga Resource and News Sat, 18 Feb 2023 13:53:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daan Mon, 18 Nov 2019 19:53:27 +0000 I was reading this remarks about not standing on yoga mats. I really don’t like this part as I found that people where standing on my math all the time bubbling about …. yoga politics or something? For me it was a turn away from people doing yoga while I was becoming a yogi myself. I believe there is a strange context in which all people are playing the yoga tom-tom and sing mantras on your yoga mat. In Thailand yogis seemed like tooth brush commercials playing drums. Weird!!!!

By: Daan Mon, 18 Nov 2019 19:00:07 +0000 In reply to Susan Bush.

Susan, I hope you found something better by now as I realize I’m reacting very late.

My advise is to try some different classes until you find one that you like and never to stop looking around and trying other classes. As you change and advance your taste for teachers and classes will also change. In the beginning it isn’t that important what the teacher actually tells as long as it motivates you to move and you might have to look at the people next to you to see what you should do … ( I will explain … ).

If yoga is really on your “retirement bucket list” … you start somewhere 1 day a week and it will feel like you can’t do anything right and don’t understand anything. After 3 months, just going and doing it, you might find that you can do something you never thought you could. That is the moment yoga begins.

It is not that you should discover Yoga. No way. Yoga should serve in you discovering yourself and in the beginning just moving your leg up when someone tells you can help a lot if you don’t normally do that. At this point you might know what you want to discover; you can choose your teachers.

So find a teacher who challenges you to go a little step further then you would normally do, looks at you with understanding and gives you the right advise, Step by step until you climb a mountain, meditate and walk down the way your body can do. That’s yoga; it really isn’t that more complicated ,,. it is great and the wisdom is there where no wise men would ever expect it to be.

By: Timothy Burgin Fri, 08 Feb 2019 14:53:14 +0000 In reply to Susan Bush.

No this is not normal, there are usually specific classes just for new moms and their toddlers. I’d advise attending a different class or studio.

By: Susan Bush Tue, 05 Feb 2019 21:38:28 +0000 Yoga is on my retirement bucket list, so I’ve joined a class, committed to twelve months of fees — step one complete, right? It never occurred to me to ask if toddlers would be attending with their mothers to do what precious little toddlers normally do. I cannot focus, & cannot block it out. I feel cheated of the spiritual side that I seek. I need to be able to hear instructions well, since I want to learn & know very little, just that I want to experience it. I just wonder if this is par for today’s yoga classes?

By: Ayushree Agrawal Thu, 20 Nov 2014 07:32:47 +0000 Great article. I am practicing yoga and this helps get better perspective of things and also improve the daily practice. Contentment is so important. Thank you so much!

By: Patricia Fri, 24 Jan 2014 19:53:36 +0000 Great article.

What makes me smile are those people who don’t like crowded classes.

They complain that there are too many people but they stay in class anyway.

How much room do you really need to practice? Is the size of your mat not enough?

Some people need to learn to get along/play nice with those around them.

By: kathleen reilly Mon, 06 Jan 2014 11:11:46 +0000 would love to see more articles like this one, this is great!!
